Fashion Foods has granted the LOST ORCHARD COMPANY Ltd exclusive GLOBAL rights in perpetuity to it’s intellectual property, plant material and brands. This will enable shareholder investors in the LOST ORCHARD COMPANY Ltd to obtain rights to propagate, grow, and market Fashion Foods released varieties globally, while securing investment and marketing strengths and protection second to none, normally only enshrined in Single Desk entities.
Patrick J Clement of Auckland has been appointed the inaugural Chairman and Managing Director of the LOST ORCHARD COMPANY Ltd, heading a Board of 5 Directors. The Company will now globally commercialize the first of Fashion Foods unique varieties – HARLEY05 (Mondaju/Roxy) to suitable investor/partners who obtain rights by their LOST ORCHARD equity investment.
About Patrick J Clement
Patrick Clement is a semi-retired agribusiness leader who has worked in Rural Finance, the Crop Protection and Animal Health sector, the Not-for-Profit sector and start-up biotechnology companies. He has held senior marketing and management positions with Merck Sharp & Dohme, Pfizer, Nufarm NZ and Nufarm Europe. During his 13 year leadership Nufarm NZ became the largest supplier of crop protection products in New Zealand and its local manufacturing facility played a key role in expanding the company’s global supply chain.
Patrick is a past president of Agcarm, a past Director of Nufarm Finance (NZ) Limited and POD Farming Ltd and a past Chair of the Pasture Renewal Charitable Trust. He currently chairs Lost Orchard Company Limited. He holds an Agricultural Science degree, a Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling and a Certificate in Company Direction.

LOST ORCHARD COMPANY LTD Chairman Patrick Clement
Roxy Apple
Roxy apple website
Articles on the Roxy apple:
RNZ article
Fresh Plaza article 1
Fresh Plaza article 2
NBR article
PressReader article
Stuff article
Lost Orchard Company Ltd
Fashion Foods has granted the LOST ORCHARD COMPANY Ltd exclusive GLOBAL rights in perpetuity to it’s intellectual property, plant material and brands. This will enable shareholder investors in the LOST ORCHARD COMPANY Ltd to obtain rights to propagate, grow, and market Fashion Foods released varieties globally, while securing investment and marketing strengths and protection second to none, normally only enshrined in Single Desk entities.
Patrick J Clement of Auckland has been appointed the inaugural Chairman and Managing Director of the LOST ORCHARD COMPANY Ltd, heading a Board of 5 Directors. The Company will now globally commercialize the first of Fashion Foods unique varieties – HARLEY05 (Mondaju/Roxy) to suitable investor/partners who obtain rights by their LOST ORCHARD equity investment.
About Patrick J Clement
Patrick Clement is a semi-retired agribusiness leader who has worked in Rural Finance, the Crop Protection and Animal Health sector, the Not-for-Profit sector and start-up biotechnology companies. He has held senior marketing and management positions with Merck Sharp & Dohme, Pfizer, Nufarm NZ and Nufarm Europe. During his 13 year leadership Nufarm NZ became the largest supplier of crop protection products in New Zealand and its local manufacturing facility played a key role in expanding the company’s global supply chain.
Patrick is a past president of Agcarm, a past Director of Nufarm Finance (NZ) Limited and POD Farming Ltd and a past Chair of the Pasture Renewal Charitable Trust. He currently chairs Lost Orchard Company Limited. He holds an Agricultural Science degree, a Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling and a Certificate in Company Direction.
LOST ORCHARD COMPANY LTD Chairman Patrick Clement
IFO appointed Fashion Foods EU plant material managers
IFO appointed Fashion Foods exclusive EU plant material managers
Following successful visits to the IFO Research station in the Loire Valley and subsequent discussions, Fashion Foods has entered a mutually beneficial relationship with IFO. Plant material dispatched and quarantined in Holland is now in growing trials at IFO headquarters research station.
First fruit produced from Fashion Foods 8 test varieties growing in the EU will be available for assessment from mid August 2021
RV14 trial plantings progressing
IFO – Frederic Bernard
RV11 (GOLDI) PVR applied
Media articles March 2018
The NZ apple varieties putting the focus back into taste
Nelson Mail feature March 2017
Fashion Foods Bill Lynch article 7.03.2017
Extenday (TM) trials 2017 exciting
Extenday TM Rep Kirk Ritchie – Feb 2017 – with outstanding Berica trials using Extenday TM fabric
Just one week after Extenday (TM) installed, the visual display was quite extraordinary, particularly with the BERICA trials.
Extenday (TM) Tasman rep Kirk Ritchie says “this has to be the most spectacular result in my experience”
Fashion Foods plant breeder and founder Bill Lynch reckons the years of international travels, resrearch and observations and numerous ‘ups and downs’ are now confiirming what has been suspected for some time ” we knew we were moving towards something special, but the latest developments this year exhibit spectacularly visual infatuation, because of the “hot pink” that’s in your face! – this is strengthening our opinion that our new apple varieties (nearing commercial release) are the prettiest fruits on our planet” says Bill
Berica 2017 early February “hot” pink
My first tooth
Well known pip fruit industry identity Mike Van Workum got more than he bargained for when he brought home a couple of Fashion Foods’s new BERICA apples for his son Jake to try.
Not surprising that Jake is an avowed apple lover when his grandparents were pioneering Tasman orchardists, his dad is the well known Fernridge “action man” and two uncles are in senior exporter positions.
Jake has a dedicated daily appetite for his favourite fruit, but his dad Mike van Workum didn’t realise how different Jake would find the eating experience of BERICA apples. As a result of the unexpected crunchiness of the BERICA the tooth fairy had to make an unscheduled visit to reward the first tooth.
Jake van Workum poses for the tooth fairy after an encounter with a crisp BERICA apple
First consumer testings overwhelming acclaim
Erica discussing fruit attributes development potential with visitors to Fashion foods exhibition at Mystery Creek
About 10,000 taste tests of BERICA and MONDAJU were conducted at the Rabo Bank paddock to plate showcase at the NZ National Farm Field days, Mystery Creek near Hamilton.
For Fashion Foods this exercise provided the first substantial cconsumer taste test. Tasting took place over 4 days 15 – 18 June when thousands of RABO clients as well a public visited the farm field days.
Visitors were offered slice samples of both varieties. Universal endorsement of the strong flavours and high visual appeal was resounding. Preference for either BERICA or MONDAJU ran around 50/50, but choice was always clear for one or the other. Tasters generally considered BERICA sweeter and strong flavoured reminiscent of the parent Heritage Gala, and MONDAJU in a flavoursome space of it’s own with a discerning flavour and hint of acidity.
The favourable independent insight from this substantial taste trial matches research over the past decades that led to the selection of the two apple varieties, and confirms consumers identify stronger flavours than currently available with the Royal Gala Apple.
Fashion foods showcasing at Rabo Banks “paddock to plate” exhibition Mystery Creek 2016
Damien O’Connor MP and opposition Primary Industries spokesman supporting Fashion foods at NZ National Farm field days
Fashion Foods talking with interested visitors at Field days
National Farm Field Days Mystery Creek
Fashion Foods at RABO Bank pavilion – National Farm Field Days Mystery Creek 15 – 18 June
Two of the leading varieties from Fashion Foods plant breeding programme will be showcased at Mystery Creek courtesy of RABO Bank.
Bill and Erica will be in attendance in the RABO pavilion with samples of the fruit, and availability for discussions with interested parties.
“Widespread strong international interest that’s ongoing and increasing, doesn’t have to overshadow domestic growers and category diversification opportunities” says Bill
Packed display trays of Berica and Mondaju
ready for Rabo Bank Pavillion at Mystery Creek
National Farm Field days
15 – 18 June 2016
New Zealand apple breeders optimistic for heritage Gala commercialization
New Zealand orchardists Bill and Erica Lynch of Nelson-based Fashion Foods Ltd have sought to bring back the strong flavors lost through Royal Gala apple breeding, and will be launching two new cultivars at an open day in late February.
Bill Lynch told there were currently 3,000 trees planted of the Berica and Mondaju varieties and he believed they would have international appeal due to their flavor, coloring and storage life.
The varieties were bred from blocks of Heritage Gala, chosen from five cultivars chosen seven years ago as finalists for potential commercialization.
Read the full article here.